We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, 
but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

First day of work today...
Damn irritated na...
My supervisor make the things so unclear lor
Go there also dunno need to go where to report.

Candy gugu brought mie there today
then tell mie wad to do norx.
Then sharon gugu came later...

Know a guy call wei leong he is the promoter beside my booth...
He damn weird na ask him whether go eat need to tell anyone or nt
Then he say ok go eat tgt =.="
I also dun wan to eat with him luh ...
Bt dun dare to reject...
Then after worse la
He ask mie to help him keep his punch card.
Then use that as a reason to take my phone number la
then i also stupid wan lo
nva think of that.
Then give my number to him =((

Then aft work he wan to send mie home luh
I was lyk WTF i also nt ur gf luh ...
Irritating ...
Then still wan him to accompany him sms on the bus .
Shit him man~!

Damn scared na tml still have to see him agn ...
Tired~! signing off le...


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